Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lass uns gehen!

Or in English, let's go! My trip to Germany is getting closer and closer. I'm getting so anxious! I'm just ready to be there already! But I know it will come and go soon enough. I just can't wait to get back and see everything and everyone again. For some odd reason. I feel like I'm going home or going back to my second home... if that makes any sense. I just feel at peace there. It's so much different than here in America. I wish I could live in two places at one because if I could I would live here in America and in Germany. But hopefully I will get a chance to live in Germany, because i'm going to college to study German and German literature. So hopefully when I get out I'm able to find some kind of job that involves me to live or travel to Germany. Well we will see soon enough!