Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How it all begins.

So as of July 1,2009 my summer plans have been set...for the rest of my life.Well as i thought.On July 1,2009 I arrived in Frankfurt,Germany with my mother for a month long vacation.We were going to stay with my brother,who lives in Germany.I was ecstatic for a couple of reasons.For one,I was going to see my family who I hadn't seen in about eight months.And another reason was because,well duh I was in a historical and beautiful country.And this was a big deal to me,because I was a 16 year old girl who hadn't gone but from my home in Texas to California.So I was pretty excited.So the first week I was there I was kind of in awe of the difference between America and Germany.Not just the language and the scenery,but the little things.For instance,the third day I was there I tried their ice cream and it was just...different.I know it sounds kind of stupid but thats what I remember the most from that month in Germany,the little things.So throughout my month long stay in Hamm Am Rhein,Germany I visited with my family,saw and tried new things I liked.And while my mother and I were there we did go out and go sight seeing.One weekend we went to Wiesbaden Air Force Base.And the next weekend we went to Burg Eltz.Now let me tell you that was an experience I will never forget.And the following weekend we went to Aschaffenburg.During our stay in Aschaffenburg we went to a classic German fest with a family friend.And we also went to Schloss Johannisburg,which was beautiful!So all in all I have to say I loved my visit to Germany,and I would love to go back.And that's exactly what I'm planning to do this summer.But instead of a month stay I'm staying for two months.Wow,basically living in Germany,that I cannot wait for!


  1. Wow that's so cool you got to experience the difference in cultures.I can't wait until you post more on your blog about your journey.

  2. beautiful photos
    i think the ice cream would taste diferent then here because the ingredience. i mean like the ice from water may be not so chemically treated. french wine tastes better then california because the grapes are in more volcanic soil. if that makes any sense

  3. Gorgeous, look forward to seeing what you think the world has to offer chere ;)
